WEEK 28 Transform Work Script And Link To The Full Video


When Actors Don’t Learn Their Lines

Writer, director and editor

Esther, vampire on the middle, omitted by V
Lesley, shixuegui* on the left, omitted by S
Rachel, ghost on the right, omitted by G
*A Chinese monster that feeds on human blood
Jenny, an informer in the middle part of the story

S: (Find it’s ran out of the blood) I’d like another pack.

G: Jesus Christ, another pack?

V: Which type? (close eyes)

S: AB.

Rachel was shocked when Lesley’s cup suddenly contained new blood

G: Aren’t you afraid of being a bat again? Remember last time? If you go back to drinking and sleeping upside down on the beam of my house, I’ll just post a video and moth on YouTube to realize your dream of stardom.

S: Go ahead. (Indifference face) How many times have I said it? It’s my cousin. You upload him you are a dead-dead man.

As Lesley’s mouth moved, the blood in the cup decreased on its own. Rachel was shocked again

G: (Whispering) Does that mean I shouldn’t invite them to my house again?

S&V: What did you say?

G: (Immediately) Let’s play other game!

S: Ah, shit, I’ll get one. Lets say what we have…… (Close your eyes like Esther did)

G: Shall we play twister*?

*A piece of plastic board with colored circles on it. Participants must follow the instructions given by the wheel

V: (Frown) I’m not play twister with you, bro. By the way, twister? How old are you?

G: (Look up a little and think) Be 200 next year?

S: (Open eyes and nod head) We have this.

The lie detector box suddenly appears on the screen, Rachel almost jumped out

G: I still can’t get used to this, Why are you guys can just do like this!

S: Just like I’m not used to you going straight through walls?

V: I taught her that. Cool, huh?

G: (Rolling her eyes and picks up the box) What’s this? No lie escapes a lie detector… uh, I’m done!

V: (Stammer) We are, we aren’t actually play this game, are we?

S: I don’t know. It is fun to me?

G: (Look excited) Let’s do this.

V: Let’s play poker, or some. There is no way, I will not play that game.

G: What are you afraid of?

V: It’s just a kid’s lie detector game, it’s….

S: (Interrupted) It’s not to kids, look and read it, it’s all ages

Lesley gives Rachel look. Rachel picks up the box and shows it to Esther

V: Including 199, 999 and 9999????

G: (Serious) We are all ages, dude.

V: Do you think that thing will actually work?

S: (Putting down the box and looking at him) Who cares? Wow, do you have a secret or something?

V: No, I’m not, no, I just don’t want to play……

S: (Interrupted, and a little ridicule) Are you afraid of this little video lie detector game?

V: (The voices rose and fell, and pause for the last time No no no no no, no.

G: (Interrupted, Speak and point with his left hand, Do emphasize with ‘right now’) Look, Is this or strip off play twister or we’re just going out right now.

Cut-in: It’s twelve o’clock at noon. (vampire scared sunlight)

S: (Look to the left, then look to the right) What’s your obsession with getting naked and twistering? No, we’re going to play this lie detector.

V: No, no, no, no. There is no way.

G: (Follow V) Yes, yes, yes, yes, we are.

S: (Follow V) That’s what we will do.

V: No, I’m not gonna play this……

Black screen for a second

Everyone wears a lie detector on their head after going black for one second. Ether looks down. Lesley, Rachel smiled and looks at each other

S: Ok, Esther, okey. (Holding the box, reading the words, at the same time, Ether looked up at Lesley unhappily) Place the lie detector helmet on your head and the magical machine will reveal your darkest secrets.

G: ( Surprised face)oh, woo hoo. Dark, Sounds like fun.

V: (Impatient) Whatever, just go.

S: (Looks at a card and then it fly away Ok, I’ll go first. Esther, did you cry during the Twilight?

V: (A look of disbelief) Certainly not.


There is no expression on Esther’s face, and people laughs.

S: Did you cry watching twilight?

G: Did you see that? Her has a face of constipation when her secret was found out!

V: (Smile awkwardly) This thing doesn’t work. It’s totally doesn’t work


S: (Smile and node ) Mm.

V:(Seriously) I never watch this kind of TV series.


V: It’s an insult to our race. I mean, who goes to high school when they’re hundreds of years old?

Rachel and Lesley looked at her

V: Ok, but that was ten years ago.


V: (Lick tongue) Five years ago.


V: (Shook head angrily, voice louder than any times) Their separation was really moving.

(Ding Ding——)

V: (Rolling her eyes and shrugging his shoulders after all the others’smile) Whatever.

V: (Looks at card and then it fly away. Read with smile) Lesley, do you like to sleep naked? Wow, this is kind of fun.

All laugh

S: (After laughing, pause first, bow and look at each other) Hahaha,no.


G&V: (Rachel barked and frowned) whoa, whoa, god, oh no, what?

S: (A little flustered ) I was, I was forced to. Global warming this year. And there’s no air conditioning, in my netherworld.

V: No air conditioning? Aren’t you all like, I mean, like dogs that can cool themselves? Then Why would you have such a long tongue?

S: It’s……. my tongue used to scare people, alright?

V: What? You don’t know what you are talking about.

S: That’s not funny, you all.

G: (Holding card) Fine. Lesley, can you, lick your elbow?

G: (Shaking head and laughing) No.


V: (Looking puzzled at Lesley) why would you lie about that?

S: (Don’t answer, just pick up the card and then it fly away. Clear her throat) Any way, my turn. Mm, Esther, Do you have secrets that you don’t want anyone to know.

V: (Shrug) Yeah, I guess?

(Ding Ding——)

Esther pout

G: Oh, you do.

S: Okay, have you ever….you know….. killed anybody?

G: (Surprise) Wow—— that’ ‘s dark

All laugh

G: You got to answer it.

V: (Make a face) Yes, I’ve killed someone before.

G: Ha hahaha ha

(Ding Ding——)

All people fell silent, and G’s expression froze from the smiling face at the beginning. Lesley and Rachel all looked at Esther, Esther looked down and licked her lips

V: Call of duty*.

*Also a game’s name

( Ding Ding——)

V: Oh, please, guys, don’t think that just because we’re playing human games, we’re actually human now, okay? I’m a vampire, a vampire! What kind of things haven’t I killed before?

(Ding Ding——)

G: Oh, in the game and vampire.

Lesley stares at Esther as Rachel picks up the card

G: (Frowns) Okey, it’s my turn, Lesley. Who’s your favorite celebrity?

S: Geyou

(Ding Ding——)

Insert a picture of Geyou on the screen

The atmosphere is not right. V and S look at each other face to face, and the scene shows serious and scary background music when the scene is shot on them, and small and fresh music when the scene is cut to G.

S: (Turning to look at him, frown and as the same time, Esther looked flustered) Esther, were you at home on November 18, 2019?

V: Ah…

Insert the video, and serious background music. In the video, a woman was trading with a woman, and Ether took out a bag and pulled it open. The audience thought it was money, but a rose popped out of the bag

V: Yes.


V: (Carefully) Lesley…..

Insert the video, and serious background music. In the video, Lesley talks to someone through headphones. After Lesley and Esther had a eye contact, Lesley run away

V: Do you by any chance have a job that you capt, undercover?

S: (Smile and shrug) No. Nothing comes my mind.


G: (Holding a card in his left hand and some other cards in his right, and the Lesley puts her card away after answering) Lesley, do you like cats?

S: (Doesn’t look at G, looks at V) Yes.

(Ding Ding——)

S: (A card fly out) Esther, are you the hitman for Charlie is our best teacher cartel?

V: (A few seconds silent) No.


Lesley smile and look sidelong at Rachel

V: (A card fly out) Lesley, are you nark?

S: No.


G: (Looking at a card carefully, smiling happily, looked up at Esther) Ha, this is funny. Esther, do you still bet-wetting?

V: (Doesn’t look at G, looks at S) Yes.

(Ding Ding——)

When the instrument rang, Lesley asked immediately

S: Esther, what do you think, Werewolves will beat you into Wolf plasma

V: Sounds great.


G: (Looking up at them and wondering) Where are you guys get all these good cards, man?

V: (Look down, the card fly out, look at Lesley) Do you think you’re playing with the fire right now?

S: (A slight shake of head) No.

(Ding Ding——)

G: (Gingerly trying to interrupt) Lesley, Do you…..

S&V: (Turns around and yells) shut up Rachel

Rachel throwing the card innocently on the table, screen to continue focused on Lesley and Esther

S: (Pressing further) Esther, would you know that there’s an elite action collectable team out there been squatting in a dog hole outside your house fora week?

V: Lesley, did you know that I got people watching your people watching me, watch watch me? And, by the way, Who asked you do work with them? Your fairy godmother?

S: Money talks. Did you know I had a sniper looking at you right now?

Green dot appears on Esther’s head

G: (Looks at the red dot and almost jumps out of his chair) Ahhh!

S: (pleased with herself) Blow your head out then you’ll never heal.

V: Yeah, well. Did you know I had eight vampire sharpshooters out of police academy, watching you right now?

Lots of green dots appear on Lesley’s face

V: Better senses than humans, they can kill you all at once before your men can fire. 

S: So, is this what we will going on? (The head flew up out of body)

G: (Cowering in her chair, holding out his hand to stop the fight) Guys? Gus? Can we just calm down?

S: I got 111 man. (green through the 111, make it sounds like bark)

There’s a bunch of green spots on Esther’s face

S: Now, look at you, glowing like a green light at the traffic light.

V: You have a cat called Mimi, right?

G: (Shouts in horror) Esther, she is your best friend. Stop.

V: (Says coldly to Lesley without looking at G) No, she is not!


Everyone full into silent, and eyeball to eyeball

V: (After another short silence, firmly) She is not my best friend.


S: (Puzzled face) Am l your best friend?

V: (Directly) No!


V: (Not sure what to say) Maybe.


V: (Helplessly, pause between each sound, and gradually increase) Yes, yes.

(Ding Ding——)

V: (Look at Esther with an expectant eyes) What about you? Am I your best friend?

S: No.


S: (Shocked and yell at Esther) You’re not!


S: (Guilty face) Maybe?


S: (Unwilling to nod) Yes.


S: (Furious) Hell yes!

(Ding Ding——)

S: (Go crazy) But I don’t love you with all my heart!


V: Yeah, well, you’re the ugliest friend I’ve ever made.


S: You were my best friend from the moment I was born. 

(Ding Ding——)

S: (Sighs and shouts into the air) Stand back, boys.

The green spots on Esther’s are disappear
Esther pout kiss, Lesley connect it through space

G: (Opens his hand to a v-shap) Er….So who’s your second best friend?

S&V: (simultaneously turning to Rachel) Shut up Rachel!!!!!

The voice-over, all black screen 

G: So what did V steal?

V: I don’t know, a whatever rose?

S: That’s clearly belongs to the Wolf king! I should have asked you this question ages ago. You’re not belle, what’s the point of stealing this?

G: Hmm?

V: See? I told you it’s a whatever rose.

S: How dare you say that again? Just because you’re my best friend doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want.

G: Er…. But, what, the beast, well, he’s a prince, you know? Not a Wolf king, he’s not even a wolf…..wait, so you want to blow this place up just for this rose?! Have you ever considered me?

S&V: You’re dead anyway.

(Ding Ding——)

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