WEEK 23 FINAL Reflective Writing

During this period of study in LCC, we got to know and worked with many students from different countries. In this year’s diversified learning process, I learned a lot of new things, especially improved my thinking and communication skills. I gained the most in the Academic English class, which has a lot of group cooperation and communication. In one class, our team has two girls from America and a Chinese boy. We had to prepare a speech according to the topic, and then we need to finish it together in class. We first created a study group on Teams, then we need to group the topics according to what we want to study. We all did a good job in the early communication, but after the assigning, the boy lost contact because he didn’t reply to the message for a long time. This led to the loss of his part in our final presentation. I felt sad about this, because it wasted the opportunity of our team’s presentation, and the reason was that we lacked the necessary communication and handover when the task was completed. If I work as a team member again next time, I will find each team member to confirm their work progress and remind them of the due time before the assignment is made.

Another problem I encountered was communication in the class. Because we are taking online classes for almost the whole time, many people do not want to open the microphone for various reasons, and they don’t share their ideas with words in time, which makes it difficult for us to communicate and understand each other, and also leads to the failure of the discussion task. So next time, I will first turn on the microphone and try to have a discussion with my classmates. This will not only further improve my ability to express myself, also lead by example and have everyone talk together. In this year’s art teaching, with accumulated experience, I particularly realized the importance of communication, both in study and in life. When you try to find a true new friend, in this international environment, you must need to try to get rid of their native language comfort zone, do not worry about you will be laughed at, the people who receive you sincerely won’t mind. All in all, let the relationship be based on communication, not later but now.

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