WEEK 5 Sequences and Storyboards, Eight-Frame Comic

Sequence: a sequence of events or things is a number of events or things that come one after another in a particular order.

Storyboard: a storyboard is a set of pictures which show what will happen in something such as a movie or advertisement that is being planned. 

—What is Storyboard in art?

A storyboard is an illustrated, step-by-step presentation describing how people will perform a target activity using your new product concepts. Storyboards are guided by user data, addressing the issues and situations the data reveals. Each storyboard follows a single thread, so the team draws a different storyboard for each part of the activity and each situation the user will find themselves in.

A storyboard is a sequence of visual “frames” illustrating the interplay between a user and an envisioned ecology or device. Storyboards bring the design to life in graphical “clips,” freeze-frame sketches of stories of how people will work with the system. This narrative description can come in many forms and at different levels of detail.

—My Feelings

Storyboards for representing interaction sequence designs are like visual scenario sketches, depicting envisioned interaction design solutions. A storyboard might be thought of as a “comic-book” style illustration of a scenario, with actors, screens, interaction, and dialogue showing sequences of flow from frame to frame.

—Draw eight frames of animation in 45 minutes with a storyboard

I modified it again based on the previous work I drew a draft, revised and refined the contents, and also wrote a short story for this story.

< Running in winter ⅱ >
The serial number corresponds to the storyline. Only basic sketches are drawn

Here’s the story 1-7

< Running in winter ⅱ >

I remember that winter day,
You put on my thick hat and said to me as I just got out of bed,
“Good morning little slacker, good morning dear my love.”
The scenery along the way is particularly beautiful,
It was a winter morning and snow piece by piece falling from the stars.
Early risers, school children, and frolicking lovers.
We ended up at the dessert shop we passed every morning.
I remember you smiling at me, knife and fork in hand, mouth still taste of syrup,
Crepes don’t make me fat in the winter!
What a lovely person.
And, and, I still remember that winter day,
As good as this morning,
The birds were singing in the branches and the snow was falling slowly to the windowsill,
But, but, no one ever holds my face and says to me,
“Good morning little slacker, good morning dear my love.”
“Oh, my dear, I know my nagging, I just miss you too much.”

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