WEEK 4 Stop Motion Animation

What Is Stop Motion Animation: Stop-motion Animation works by shooting subjects one by one and then running them through a sequence to create a living character or any other bizarre character you can imagine. Stop-motion animation is usually performed by clay puppets, puppets, or mixed material characters.

Type of Production: Rectilinear motion, sequential design, circular motion, frames (frame rate), rotational motion, periodic motion

—Shoot at least 24 pictures to create a stop-motion animation, in 30 seconds

—The Idea of Making: Because it was in the classroom, I selected the sticky note available around to make this stop-motion animation. I chose L and T at the beginning of my name as the theme. In this stop-motion animation, I show the appearance and disappearance of the two letters, and I added a little snippet to decorate the video before actually starting to write.

< Beating letters >

—The Improvements I Want To Make: The light needs to be fixed at one value and the overall picture needs to be brighter. The background needs to be the same color that echoes the main object(It’s best to pair with objects) At the same time, you need to fix the Angle of the shot.

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