WEEK 3 Street View

Pick a fixed place on the Google map, and capture 10 images to make a story.

—Screenplay Category, The Idea

Picture Location: Los Angeles 1665 – 1699 Willox Ave, Los Angeles, “YOU ARE THE STAR”

Express Theme: Movie scene stitching and adaptation in La La Land

Conception of the story

—Production Process and Expression Center

Explain the process of production
Research on artists in related fields, Helley Docherty

—Partial Works Display

< Story In Story >
The effect on the sketch book
< Running In winter >
Animation category works

—A Detailed Display of Story In Story’s Works

(The story is provided under the picture)

Every story has twisted and turned.
Sadness into river upstream.
I for who the desperate.
But just like springs do eventually converge to the sea.
The water that loves the stream will stay in the puddle.
The water that loves the sea will jump off the cliff at all costs.
What should meet will meet.
After all, you can not stay from your fingers slipped water drops.


Next time, look for some pictures from different angles and try to get clearer when taking screenshots, or look for some clearer pictures to make.

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