CCS Health and Environment

Living in the environment, our every move affects the environment, and the environment also affects our health.

As human beings, we should regulate our social behaviors by improving our environmental awareness and recognizing the relationship between environment and health.

For example, we need to prevent environmental pollution, in order to maintain ecological balance, to promote the development of environmental ecology to a virtuous cycle. And the establishment of laws and standards to protect the environment can avoid environmental degradation and imbalance, which is an important criterion to correctly handle the relationship between human beings and the environment.

The reason these measures need to be implemented is because our bodies are in good health when the environment is in a healthy range. If one is in an atmosphere of elegant environment, fresh air and harmony, it is believed that one’s physical health, mental health and social health will be good.

On the other hand, when environmental stress is more than our body can handle, poor health will appear. This phenomenon is very common, with the aggravation of environmental pollution, the increase of work and study pressure, the intensification of competition, physical health and mental health crisis everywhere.

In a word, our health is closely related to the environment. What we do to the environment, the environment will reflect on us all the time. Therefore, for the sake of our own health and sustainable development, we should protect the environment.

Week 1 City Pictures, A cyberpunk home

2019 happens to be the year Blade Runner’s futuristic metropolis is set to exist.

At that time, “2019” was a futuristic feeling wrapped in high-tech, which was quite bizarre. On the other hand, we are familiar with the market life, often sparse. The two realities, side by side in the same dimension, are full of contradictions and confusion.

Now the “future” has finally arrived. In Chongqing (重庆), you can see the most homegrown version of the near future.

Chongqing Jiangbei Airport

At one time, when we were talking about cyberpunk, we were talking about a pessimistic future. But Chongqing’s cyberpunk is, for the moment, a fresh game.

“Wild gas” building, modern and mysterious. Chongqing is damp and foggy all year round. It is like a secret city in the rain forest, known from a certain era as the “city of fog”.

Near the Yangtze river

Chongqing’s road is so intricate that it has become a no-go zone for have no sense of direction and the fear of heights.

The buildings are uneven in height and strange in shape, with various Bridges across the floors… The streets rise above the floors, and there will be tall buildings on the high roads. Chongqing has greatly reduced the scale of “tall”. Take the elevator to the 22nd floor, and you’ll even find a car speeding out the window.

Moreover, don’t trust the road ahead, no matter how difficult it may be to rely on navigation. Next thing you will know the thins is , the path could go into the ground, it could go straight into the air, it could take a big, sharp turn, it’s a pretty wild road but the simple usual one to the native of Chongqing.

Ordinary buildings in Chongqing

Leave the road and return to the pedestrian walkway for a turn back that has never been to the past. There are so many steps that one or two hundred are common. Climbing up the ladder is like carrying on a traditional and pious pilgrimage.

And you will see the light rail habitually is actually run in the sky, through tall buildings, and housing friction. Just like the light rail line 2, in Plum dam station straight bucket to the house.

In order to cross the river and the mountains, Chongqing people can also take the cableway, which is the exclusive right of the Cyberpunk people.

The light rail line 2, in Plum dam

When night falls and Chongqing lights up, it’s the start of cyberpunk. Light and colour temporarily cancel people’s inability to daydream about existentialism, and timely pleasure is the right way.

This sunshine is not much of the city, but developed a preference for cold light lamps. Coupled with the glass, which is mostly blue, Chongqing at night reflects the cold and depressed nature of science and technology, just like a dream science fiction city. But with just a little warmth, brilliance and dreams can be set alight.

Hongyadong stilted house complex of glinting red light, resemble an extremely happy place, hearsay it inspired “Spirited away” the setting design of big bath place, play inside and outside a reference, fantasy colour is more intense.

Hongyadong stilted house complex

In the development of Chongqing, some original old buildings have been preserved. The “wild” of Chongqing architecture makes modern and “poor” coexist.

Streets of Jiangbei

The traffic teahouse is one of them. The teahouse, still as it was in the 1970s and 1980s, is filled with unrelated but closely connected people.

Here, it is Chongqing civilian life breath most strong place, also be the important component of cyberpunk temperament. This also hits right at the heart of cyberpunk’s aesthetic, “High tech, low Life.”

The traffic teahouse

Of the four major Cyberpunk capitals in Asia, Chongqing is the most acceptable place for us. Shanghai is too urbanized, Hong Kong’s Kowloon Walled city is almost gone, and Tokyo is too far away. Chongqing is just right enough, tear and healing to form a steady state.

Maybe one day, the stuff of science fiction will be the reality that surrounds us all.That day will come closer and closer, just as it is now well past “2019.”


This brief introduction of my hometown just took me back to a month ago, when I was still at home with my family. I will miss my hometown and the wonderful memories it brings to me will support me every day of my life in London

My dorm study time
A beautiful evening in England
To miss my dog and my family